Source code for ics.event

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

from six import PY2, PY3, StringIO, string_types, text_type, integer_types
from six.moves import filter, map, range

import arrow
import copy
import re
from datetime import timedelta, datetime

from .alarm import AlarmFactory
from .component import Component
from .utils import (
from .parse import ContentLine, Container

[docs]class Event(Component): """A calendar event. Can be full-day or between two instants. Can be defined by a beginning instant and a duration *or* end instant. """ _TYPE = "VEVENT" _EXTRACTORS = [] _OUTPUTS = []
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, begin=None, end=None, duration=None, uid=None, description=None, created=None, location=None, url=None, transparent=False, alarms=None, categories=None): """Instantiates a new :class:`ics.event.Event`. Args: name (string) : rfc5545 SUMMARY property begin (Arrow-compatible) end (Arrow-compatible) duration (datetime.timedelta) uid (string): must be unique description (string) created (Arrow-compatible) location (string) url (string) transparent (Boolean) alarms (:class:`ics.alarm.Alarm` categories (set of string) Raises: ValueError: if `end` and `duration` are specified at the same time """ self._duration = None self._end_time = None self._begin = None self._begin_precision = None self.uid = uid_gen() if not uid else uid self.description = description self.created = get_arrow(created) self.location = location self.url = url self.transparent = transparent self.alarms = set() self.categories = set() self._unused = Container(name='VEVENT') = name self.begin = begin # TODO: DRY [1] if duration and end: raise ValueError( 'Event() may not specify an end and a duration \ at the same time') elif end: # End was specified self.end = end elif duration: # Duration was specified self.duration = duration if alarms is not None: self.alarms.update(set(alarms)) if categories is not None: self.categories.update(set(categories))
[docs] def has_end(self): """ Return: bool: self has an end """ return bool(self._end_time or self._duration)
@property def begin(self): """Get or set the beginning of the event. | Will return an :class:`Arrow` object. | May be set to anything that :func:`Arrow.get` understands. | If an end is defined (not a duration), .begin must not be set to a superior value. """ return self._begin @begin.setter def begin(self, value): value = get_arrow(value) if value and self._end_time and value > self._end_time: raise ValueError('Begin must be before end') self._begin = value self._begin_precision = 'second' @property def end(self): """Get or set the end of the event. | Will return an :class:`Arrow` object. | May be set to anything that :func:`Arrow.get` understands. | If set to a non null value, removes any already existing duration. | Setting to None will have unexpected behavior if begin is not None. | Must not be set to an inferior value than self.begin. """ if self._duration: # if end is duration defined # return the beginning + duration return self.begin + self._duration elif self._end_time: # if end is time defined if self.all_day: return self._end_time + timedelta(days=1) else: return self._end_time elif self._begin: # if end is not defined if self.all_day: return self._begin + timedelta(days=1) else: # instant event return self._begin else: return None @end.setter def end(self, value): value = get_arrow(value) if value and value < self._begin: raise ValueError('End must be after begin') self._end_time = value if value: self._duration = None @property def duration(self): """Get or set the duration of the event. | Will return a timedelta object. | May be set to anything that timedelta() understands. | May be set with a dict ({"days":2, "hours":6}). | If set to a non null value, removes any already existing end time. """ if self._duration: return self._duration elif self.end: # because of the clever getter for end, this also takes care of all_day events return self.end - self.begin else: # event has neither start, nor end, nor duration return None @duration.setter def duration(self, value): if isinstance(value, dict): value = timedelta(**value) elif isinstance(value, timedelta): value = value elif value is not None: value = timedelta(value) if value: self._end_time = None self._duration = value @property def all_day(self): """ Return: bool: self is an all-day event """ # the event may have an end, also given in 'day' precision return self._begin_precision == 'day'
[docs] def make_all_day(self): """Transforms self to an all-day event. The event will span all the days from the begin to the end day. """ was_instant = self.duration == timedelta(0) old_end = self.end self._duration = None self._begin_precision = 'day' self._begin = self._begin.floor('day') if was_instant: self._end_time = None return floored_end = old_end.floor('day') # this "overflooring" must be done because end times are not included in the interval calculated_end = floored_end - timedelta(days=1) if floored_end == old_end else floored_end if calculated_end == self._begin: # for a one day event, we don't need to save the _end_time self._end_time = None else: self._end_time = calculated_end
[docs] def __urepr__(self): """Should not be used directly. Use self.__repr__ instead. Returns: unicode: a unicode representation (__repr__) of the event. """ name = "'{}' ".format( if else '' if self.all_day: if not self._end_time or self._begin == self._end_time: return "<all-day Event {}{}>".format(name, self.begin.strftime("%F")) else: return "<all-day Event {}begin:{} end:{}>".format(name, self._begin.strftime("%F"), self._end_time.strftime("%F")) elif self.begin is None: return "<Event '{}'>".format( if else "<Event>" else: return "<Event {}begin:{} end:{}>".format(name, self.begin, self.end)
def starts_within(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Event): raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other))) return self.begin >= other.begin and self.begin <= other.end def ends_within(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Event): raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other))) return self.end >= other.begin and self.end <= other.end def intersects(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Event): raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other))) return (self.starts_within(other) or self.ends_within(other) or other.starts_within(self) or other.ends_within(self)) __xor__ = intersects def includes(self, other): if isinstance(other, Event): return other.starts_within(self) and other.ends_within(self) if isinstance(other, datetime): return self.begin <= other and self.end >= other raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other))) def is_included_in(self, other): if isinstance(other, Event): return other.includes(self) raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other))) __in__ = is_included_in
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Event): if self.begin is None and other.begin is None: if is None and is None: return False elif is None: return True elif is None: return False else: return < return self.begin < other.begin if isinstance(other, datetime): return self.begin < other raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other)))
[docs] def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Event): if self.begin is None and other.begin is None: if is None and is None: return True elif is None: return True elif is None: return False else: return <= return self.begin <= other.begin if isinstance(other, datetime): return self.begin <= other raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other)))
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Event): if self.begin is None and other.begin is None: # TODO : handle py3 case when a name is None return > return self.begin > other.begin if isinstance(other, datetime): return self.begin > other raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other)))
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Event): if self.begin is None and other.begin is None: # TODO : handle py3 case when a name is None return >= return self.begin >= other.begin if isinstance(other, datetime): return self.begin >= other raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other)))
def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Event): begin, end = None, None if self.begin and other.begin: begin = max(self.begin, other.begin) if self.end and other.end: end = min(self.end, other.end) return (begin, end) if begin and end and begin < end else (None, None) raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other)))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Two events are considered equal if they have the same uid.""" if isinstance(other, Event): return self.uid == other.uid raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot compare Event and {}'.format(type(other)))
def time_equals(self, other): return (self.begin == other.begin) and (self.end == other.end)
[docs] def join(self, other, *args, **kwarg): """Create a new event which covers the time range of two intersecting events All extra parameters are passed to the Event constructor. Args: other: the other event Returns: a new Event instance """ event = Event(*args, **kwarg) if self.intersects(other): if self.starts_within(other): event.begin = other.begin else: event.begin = self.begin if self.ends_within(other): event.end = other.end else: event.end = self.end return event raise ValueError('Cannot join {} with {}: they don\'t intersect.'.format(self, other))
__and__ = join
[docs] def clone(self): """ Returns: Event: an exact copy of self""" clone = copy.copy(self) clone._unused = clone._unused.clone() clone.alarms = copy.copy(self.alarms) clone.categories = copy.copy(self.categories) return clone
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Returns: int: hash of self. Based on self.uid.""" return int(''.join(map(lambda x: '%.3d' % ord(x), self.uid)))
# ------------------ # ----- Inputs ----- # ------------------ @Event._extracts('DTSTAMP') def created(event, line): if line: # get the dict of vtimezones passed to the classmethod tz_dict = event._classmethod_kwargs['tz'] event.created = iso_to_arrow(line, tz_dict) @Event._extracts('DTSTART') def start(event, line): if line: # get the dict of vtimezones passed to the classmethod tz_dict = event._classmethod_kwargs['tz'] event.begin = iso_to_arrow(line, tz_dict) event._begin_precision = iso_precision(line.value) @Event._extracts('DURATION') def duration(event, line): if line: #TODO: DRY [1] if event._end_time: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("An event can't have both DTEND and DURATION") event._duration = parse_duration(line.value) @Event._extracts('DTEND') def end(event, line): if line: #TODO: DRY [1] if event._duration: raise ValueError("An event can't have both DTEND and DURATION") # get the dict of vtimezones passed to the classmethod tz_dict = event._classmethod_kwargs['tz'] event._end_time = iso_to_arrow(line, tz_dict) # one could also save the end_precision to check that if begin_precision is day, end_precision also is @Event._extracts('SUMMARY') def summary(event, line): = unescape_string(line.value) if line else None @Event._extracts('DESCRIPTION') def description(event, line): event.description = unescape_string(line.value) if line else None @Event._extracts('LOCATION') def location(event, line): event.location = unescape_string(line.value) if line else None @Event._extracts('URL') def url(event, line): event.url = unescape_string(line.value) if line else None @Event._extracts('TRANSP') def transparent(event, line): if line: event.transparent = line.value == 'TRANSPARENT' # TODO : make uid required ? # TODO : add option somewhere to ignore some errors @Event._extracts('UID') def uid(event, line): if line: event.uid = line.value @Event._extracts('VALARM', multiple=True) def alarms(event, lines): def alarm_factory(x): af = AlarmFactory.get_type_from_container(x) return af._from_container(x) event.alarms = list(map(alarm_factory, lines)) @Event._extracts('CATEGORIES') def categories(event, line): event.categories = set() if line: # In the regular expression: Only match unquoted commas. for cat in re.split("(?<!\\\\),", line.value): event.categories.update({unescape_string(cat)}) # ------------------- # ----- Outputs ----- # ------------------- @Event._outputs def o_created(event, container): if event.created: instant = event.created else: instant = container.append(ContentLine('DTSTAMP', value=arrow_to_iso(instant))) @Event._outputs def o_start(event, container): if event.begin and not event.all_day: container.append(ContentLine('DTSTART', value=arrow_to_iso(event.begin))) @Event._outputs def o_all_day(event, container): if event.begin and event.all_day: container.append(ContentLine('DTSTART', params={'VALUE': ('DATE',)}, value=arrow_date_to_iso(event.begin))) @Event._outputs def o_duration(event, container): # TODO : DURATION if event._duration and event.begin: representation = timedelta_to_duration(event._duration) container.append(ContentLine('DURATION', value=representation)) @Event._outputs def o_end(event, container): if event.begin and event._end_time: container.append(ContentLine('DTEND', value=arrow_to_iso(event.end))) @Event._outputs def o_summary(event, container): if container.append(ContentLine('SUMMARY', value=escape_string( @Event._outputs def o_description(event, container): if event.description: container.append(ContentLine('DESCRIPTION', value=escape_string(event.description))) @Event._outputs def o_location(event, container): if event.location: container.append(ContentLine('LOCATION', value=escape_string(event.location))) @Event._outputs def o_url(event, container): if event.url: container.append(ContentLine('URL', value=escape_string(event.url))) @Event._outputs def o_transparent(event, container): if event.transparent: container.append(ContentLine('TRANSP', value=escape_string('TRANSPARENT'))) else: container.append(ContentLine('TRANSP', value=escape_string('OPAQUE'))) @Event._outputs def o_uid(event, container): if event.uid: uid = event.uid else: uid = uid_gen() container.append(ContentLine('UID', value=uid)) @Event._outputs def o_alarm(event, container): for alarm in event.alarms: container.append(str(alarm)) @Event._outputs def o_categories(event, container): if bool(event.categories): container.append(ContentLine('CATEGORIES', value=','.join([escape_string(s) for s in event.categories])))