Source code for ics.alarm

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

import copy
from datetime import timedelta

from .component import Component
from .utils import (
from .parse import ContentLine, Container

class AlarmFactory(object):
    Factory class to get specific VALARM types, useful with `ics.component.Component._from_container` method.

    def get_type_from_action(cls, action_type):
        # TODO: Implement EMAIL action
        if action_type == 'DISPLAY':
            return DisplayAlarm
        elif action_type == 'AUDIO':
            return AudioAlarm
        elif action_type == 'NONE':
            return None

        raise ValueError('Invalid alarm action')

    def get_type_from_container(cls, container):
        action_type_lines = get_lines(container, 'ACTION')
        if len(action_type_lines) > 1:
            raise ValueError('Too many ACTION parameters in VALARM')

        action_type = action_type_lines[0]
        return AlarmFactory.get_type_from_action(action_type.value)

[docs]class Alarm(Component): """ A calendar event VALARM base class """ _TYPE = 'VALARM' _EXTRACTORS = [] _OUTPUTS = []
[docs] def __init__(self, trigger=None, repeat=None, duration=None): """ Instantiates a new :class:`ics.alarm.Alarm`. Adheres to RFC5545 VALARM standard: Args: trigger (datetime.timedelta OR datetime.datetime) : Timespan to alert before parent action, or absolute time to alert repeat (integer) : How many times to repeat the alarm duration (datetime.timedelta) : Duration between repeats Raises: ValueError: If trigger, repeat, or duration do not match the RFC spec. """ # Set initial values self._trigger = None self._repeat = None self._duration = None # Validate and parse self.trigger = trigger # XOR repeat and duration if (repeat is None) ^ (duration is None): raise ValueError('If either repeat or duration is specified, both must be specified') if repeat: self.repeat = repeat if duration: self.duration = duration self._unused = Container(name='VALARM')
@property def trigger(self): """The trigger condition for the alarm | Returns either a timedelta or datetime object | Timedelta must have positive total_seconds() | Datetime object is also allowed. """ return self._trigger @trigger.setter def trigger(self, value): if type(value) is timedelta and value.total_seconds() < 0: raise ValueError('Trigger timespan must be positive') elif type(value) is not timedelta: value = get_arrow(value) self._trigger = value @property def repeat(self): """Number of times to repeat alarm | Returns an integer for number of alarm repeats | Value must be >= 0 """ return self._repeat @repeat.setter def repeat(self, value): if value < 0: raise ValueError('Repeat must be great than or equal to 0.') self._repeat = value @property def duration(self): """Duration between alarm repeats | Returns a timedelta object | Timespan must return positive total_seconds() value """ return self._duration @duration.setter def duration(self, value): if value.total_seconds() < 0: raise ValueError('Alarm duration timespan must be positive.') self._duration = value @property def action(self): """ VALARM action to be implemented by concrete classes """ raise NotImplementedError('Base class cannot be instantiated directly')
[docs] def __repr__(self): value = '{0} trigger:{1}'.format(type(self), self.trigger) if self.repeat: value += ' repeat:{0} duration:{1}'.format(self.repeat, self.duration) return '<{0}>'.format(value)
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Two alarms are considered equal if they have the same type and base values.""" return (type(self) is type(other) and self.trigger == other.trigger and self.repeat == other.repeat and self.duration == other.duration)
[docs] def clone(self): """ Returns: Alarm: an exact copy of self""" clone = copy.copy(self) clone._unused = clone._unused.clone() return clone
# ------------------ # ----- Inputs ----- # ------------------ @Alarm._extracts('TRIGGER', required=True) def trigger(alarm, line): if not line.params or 'DURATION' in line.params.get('VALUE', ''): alarm.trigger = parse_duration(line.value[1:]) else: if len(line.params) > 1: raise ValueError('TRIGGER has too many parameters') if 'VALUE' in line.params: alarm.trigger = iso_to_arrow(line) else: raise ValueError('TRIGGER has invalid parameters') @Alarm._extracts('DURATION') def duration(alarm, line): if line: alarm._duration = parse_duration(line.value) @Alarm._extracts('REPEAT') def repeat(alarm, line): if line: alarm._repeat = int(line.value) # ------------------- # ----- Outputs ----- # ------------------- @Alarm._outputs def o_trigger(alarm, container): if not alarm.trigger: raise ValueError('Alarm must have a trigger') if type(alarm.trigger) is timedelta: representation = timedelta_to_duration(alarm.trigger) container.append(ContentLine('TRIGGER', value='-{0}'.format(representation))) else: container.append(ContentLine('TRIGGER', params={'VALUE': ['DATE-TIME']}, value=arrow_to_iso(alarm.trigger))) @Alarm._outputs def o_duration(alarm, container): if alarm.duration: representation = timedelta_to_duration(alarm.duration) container.append(ContentLine('DURATION', value=representation)) @Alarm._outputs def o_repeat(alarm, container): if alarm.repeat: container.append(ContentLine('REPEAT', value=alarm.repeat)) @Alarm._outputs def o_action(alarm, container): container.append(ContentLine('ACTION', value=alarm.action))
[docs]class DisplayAlarm(Alarm): """ A calendar event VALARM with DISPLAY option. """ # This ensures we copy the existing extractors and outputs from the base class, rather than referencing the array. _EXTRACTORS = copy.copy(Alarm._EXTRACTORS) _OUTPUTS = copy.copy(Alarm._OUTPUTS)
[docs] def __init__(self, description=None, **kwargs): """ Instantiates a new :class:`ics.alarm.DisplayAlarm`. Adheres to RFC5545 VALARM standard: Args: description (string) : RFC5545 DESCRIPTION property kwargs (dict) : Args to :func:`ics.alarm.Alarm.__init__` """ super(DisplayAlarm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.description = description
@property def action(self): return 'DISPLAY'
[docs] def __repr__(self): value = '{0} trigger:{1}'.format(type(self), self.trigger) if self.repeat: value += ' repeat:{0} duration:{1}'.format(self.repeat, self.duration) value += ' description:{0}'.format(self.description) return '<{0}>'.format(value)
# ------------------ # ----- Inputs ----- # ------------------ @DisplayAlarm._extracts('DESCRIPTION', required=True) def description(alarm, line): alarm.description = unescape_string(line.value) if line else None # ------------------- # ----- Outputs ----- # ------------------- @DisplayAlarm._outputs def o_description(alarm, container): container.append(ContentLine('DESCRIPTION', value=escape_string(alarm.description or '')))
[docs]class AudioAlarm(Alarm): """ A calendar event VALARM with AUDIO option. """ # This ensures we copy the existing extractors and outputs from the base class, rather than referencing the array. _EXTRACTORS = copy.copy(Alarm._EXTRACTORS) _OUTPUTS = copy.copy(Alarm._OUTPUTS)
[docs] def __init__(self, attach=None, attach_params=None, **kwargs): """ Instantiates a new :class:`ics.alarm.AudioAlarm`. Adheres to RFC5545 VALARM standard: Args: attach (string) : RFC5545 ATTACH property, pointing to an audio object attach_params (dict) : RFC5545 attachparam values kwargs (dict) : Args to :func:`ics.alarm.Alarm.__init__` """ super(AudioAlarm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.attach = attach self.attach_params = attach_params
@property def action(self): return 'AUDIO'
[docs] def __repr__(self): value = '{0} trigger:{1}'.format(type(self), self.trigger) if self.repeat: value += ' repeat:{0} duration:{1}'.format(self.repeat, self.duration) if self.attach: value += ' attach:{0}'.format(self.attach) if self.attach_params: value += ' attach_params:{0}'.format(self.attach_params) return '<{0}>'.format(value)
# ------------------ # ----- Inputs ----- # ------------------ @AudioAlarm._extracts('ATTACH') def attach(alarm, line): if line: if line.value: alarm.attach = unescape_string(line.value) if line.params: alarm.attach_params = line.params # ------------------- # ----- Outputs ----- # ------------------- @AudioAlarm._outputs def o_attach(alarm, container): if alarm.attach: container.append(ContentLine('ATTACH', params=alarm.attach_params or {}, value=escape_string(alarm.attach)))