Source code for ics.timeline

import heapq
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Tuple

import attr

from ics.event import Event
from ics.timespan import Normalization, Timespan
from ics.types import DatetimeLike, OptionalDatetimeLike, TimespanOrBegin
from ics.utils import (

    from ics.icalendar import Calendar

[docs] @attr.s class Timeline: """ `Timeline`s allow iterating all event from a `Calendar` in chronological order, optionally also filtering events according to their timestamps. """ _calendar: "Calendar" = attr.ib() _normalization: Optional[Normalization] = attr.ib() def __normalize_datetime(self, instant: DatetimeLike) -> datetime: """ Create a normalized datetime instance for the given instance. """ instant = ensure_datetime(instant) if self._normalization: instant = self._normalization.normalize(instant) return instant def __normalize_timespan( self, start: TimespanOrBegin, stop: OptionalDatetimeLike = None ) -> Timespan: """ Create a normalized timespan between `start` and `stop`. Alternatively, this method can be called directly with a single timespan as parameter. """ if isinstance(start, Timespan): if stop is not None: raise ValueError("can't specify a Timespan and an additional stop time") timespan = start else: timespan = Timespan(ensure_datetime(start), ensure_datetime(stop)) if self._normalization: timespan = self._normalization.normalize(timespan) return timespan
[docs] def iterator(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Timespan, Event]]: """ Iterates on every event from the :class:`ics.icalendar.Calendar` in chronological order Note: - chronological order is defined by the comparison operators in :class:`ics.timespan.Timespan` - Events with no `begin` will not appear here. (To list all events in a `Calendar` use ``) """ # Using a heap is faster than sorting if the number of events (n) is # much bigger than the number of events we extract from the iterator (k). # Complexity: O(n + k log n). heap: Iterable[Tuple[Timespan, Event]] = ( (self.__normalize_timespan(e.timespan), e) for e in ) heap = [t for t in heap if t[0]] heapq.heapify(heap) while heap: yield heapq.heappop(heap)
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Event]: """ Iterates on every event from the :class:`ics.icalendar.Calendar` in chronological order Note: - chronological order is defined by the comparison operators in :class:`ics.timespan.Timespan` - Events with no `begin` will not appear here. (To list all events in a `Calendar` use ``) """ for _, e in self.iterator(): yield e
[docs] def included( self, start: TimespanOrBegin, stop: OptionalDatetimeLike = None ) -> Iterator[Event]: """ Iterates (in chronological order) over every event that is included in the timespan between `start` and `stop`. Alternatively, this method can be called directly with a single timespan as parameter. """ query = self.__normalize_timespan(start, stop) for timespan, event in self.iterator(): if timespan.is_included_in(query): yield event
[docs] def overlapping( self, start: TimespanOrBegin, stop: OptionalDatetimeLike = None ) -> Iterator[Event]: """ Iterates (in chronological order) over every event that has an intersection with the timespan between `start` and `stop`. Alternatively, this method can be called directly with a single timespan as parameter. """ query = self.__normalize_timespan(start, stop) for timespan, event in self.iterator(): if timespan.intersects(query): yield event
[docs] def start_after(self, instant: DatetimeLike) -> Iterator[Event]: """ Iterates (in chronological order) on every event from the :class:`ics.icalendar.Calendar` in chronological order. The first event of the iteration has a starting date greater (later) than `instant`. """ instant = self.__normalize_datetime(instant) for timespan, event in self.iterator(): if timespan.begin_time is not None and timespan.begin_time > instant: yield event
[docs] def at(self, instant: DatetimeLike) -> Iterator[Event]: """ Iterates (in chronological order) over all events that are occuring during `instant`. """ instant = self.__normalize_datetime(instant) for timespan, event in self.iterator(): if timespan.includes(instant): yield event
[docs] def on(self, instant: DatetimeLike, strict: bool = False) -> Iterator[Event]: """ Iterates (in chronological order) over all events that occurs on `day`. :param strict: if True events will be returned only if they are strictly *included* in `day` """ begin = floor_datetime_to_midnight(ensure_datetime(instant)) end = ceil_datetime_to_midnight(ensure_datetime(instant) + timedelta(seconds=1)) query = self.__normalize_timespan(begin, end) if strict: return self.included(query) else: return self.overlapping(query)
[docs] def today(self, strict: bool = False) -> Iterator[Event]: """ Iterates (in chronological order) over all events that occurs today. :param strict: if True events will be returned only if they are strictly *included* in `day` """ return self.on(, strict=strict)
[docs] def now(self) -> Iterator[Event]: """ Iterates (in chronological order) over all events that occur right now. """ return